Melissa Meredith

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Do's and Don'ts of Your Digital Brand

There are few things I love more than branding and digital marketing, except when they come together, of course! Last year, I joined Babe Crafted in February for a Tampa Bay Startup Week panel called “The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Digital Brand.” We discussed all the things including what you should and shouldn’t be doing online to make sure that your brand is unique, your message consistent, and your content relates to your audience. Since many of you don’t reside in the Tampa area, I decided to give you a summary of what I suggested to others starting out with their online strategy. Here are my expert do and don’t tips for your digital brand!

The Do’s of Your Digital Brand

DO: Stay Relatable

Understand what makes your product or services attractive to others and utilize that. Maybe your products are mobile so they’re attractive to people on the go. Potentially, you have something that fulfills a unique need, so don’t be afraid to highlight that benefit. Just make sure that what you’re sharing is relatable to your audience. 

DO: Be Consistent

Consistency does not equal copy and paste. Oftentimes, we think that in order to be consistent we have to be repetitive. That is not the case. Consider a topic that you know a lot about and think of all of the ways you can discuss that topic or highlight it. Maybe talk about one point on Instagram, one point on Facebook, and wrap it all together with those two points and one additional point in a blog post. Try to keep the same tone and messaging throughout. 

DO: Stand Out By Being Unique 

We all love the new “National xx Holiday” trend but that doesn’t mean that you have to jump on every single one or do it the same way as others. Think about the things that really mean something to you and how you can get involved and share that both on and offline. Maybe you partner with another business for “National Grilled Cheese Day” and donate a portion of the sale proceeds to a local food charity. Think outside of the box and don’t be afraid to get creative!

The Don'ts of Your Digital Brand

DON’T: Be A Copycat

So you like someone else’s brand or content? Great! Inspiration is always a good thing. Just make sure that you’re “inspired by” isn’t “copied from.” It’s easy to see someone doing something you like or saying something that you may have knowledge of and just repeat their work. Take the time to understand how you can take what they’ve shared and put your own unique twist on it. Say something new that they may not have touched on to add MORE value when others find you. 

DON’T: Be Afraid To Try Something New

There are few truly NEW ideas left in today’s world. Most ideas and concepts are a revamp or recreation of something that previously existed. If you stumble upon a new idea, don’t be afraid to try it! Just because it hasn’t been done doesn’t mean it won’t work. Even if the idea “fails”, if it brings you new loyal customers and new business, then consider it a success!  

There you have it! My top do’s and don’ts when it comes to digital brand strategy. Feeling like you can take on the digital world now? I hope so! If you’re in Tampa, make sure to check out this year’s Tampa Bay Startup Week and maybe you’ll catch me again on a panel. I’d love to see you there!



Image Source: Social Squares